Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Life is Good

I open with these beauties because they are amazing.  They are multiple colors blended on a single plant.  Like large families or families in general, there is beauty both together and separately.  Like a husband and wife who come together to create a beautiful union of two lovely, separate entities that results in a blended creation afterward.

There is something so poetic about roses.

What A Rose Can Say

A rose can say I love you and want you to be mine,
A rose can say I thank you for being so very kind,
A rose can say congratulations, whatever the occasion may be,
A rose can say I miss you and wish you were here with me,
A rose can say I'm sorry if I've hurt you in any way,
A rose can say get well soon, May God bless you today,
A rose can say I wish you happiness, and the best for you each day.
A rose can say farewell when someone goes away,
A rose can say hello, I'm thinking of you today,
There's just so many wonderful things that a rose can say,
A rose can say goodbye when a love one is laid to rest,
No matter what there is to say, a rose can say it best.

Margie Driver

So, to be surrounded by roses at the local botanical garden, said it all.  The thorns remind me of how dangerous a beautiful thing can be.  Like a deceptive man or woman bent on destroying the fabric of the home, they look amazing.  No temptation ever came looking ugly.  But the rose can also be unscented.  Some things look great but aren't really all of that.  With roses, they may look amazing but when you touch them the petals fall off.  Much like the fragile hearts of children.  Even when they look like they are doing great, one misplaced word can make their petals fall off.  But a strong, beautiful, scented rose is a glorious thing to behold, testifying of God and His strength to endure even the hottest day, The goodness of His grace is that powerful scent that overpowers but doesn't offend.  The beauty of His love is all consuming and amazing and those deep red roses are even more wonderful because they can remind us of the blood shed on the Cross.

I love roses.  I also love birds.  I love life with lots of kids and a dog and a cat.  I also love cloth diapers, baby-wearing, homeschooling, home birthing, being busy with church and...roses.  The day spent at the botanical garden was lovely.  I gulped deep breaths of rose scented air upon arriving and repeated on the way out.  All the while, the children were taken by bugs and birds and all manner of other gifts from God.

I hope you get the chance to stop and smell some roses today.