Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Police Week, We Appreciate Our Law Enforcers

I am probably going to step on some toes in this post, but it's my blog.

In this time of turmoil between law enforcement and communities, I think it's critical to point something out - police officers are people just like the rest of us. They have families who fear for them every time they go to work. They need time off, they lack rest, they love, laugh and experience sorrow just like everyone else.  They are prone to bias and hatred and resentment and fear, just like everyone else.  They, like everyone else, are lost sinners in need of the Savior.  But I have had the pleasure of knowing some fine police officers. I have been pulled over by some fine officers who were right to stop me.  I would not speak evil against them or teach my children to be against them because we need them to keep our neighborhood safe and keep us safe. It is unfortunate, downright sad, that there are those that abuse their authority and therefore abuse people, but please remember that that is just as much a part of being human.  Without the love of Christ guiding our actions, we'd all be full of negative emotions and attitudes that would hurt others. I was full of hate as were many others I know. As Police Week draws to a close, how about we begin to focus on sharing some love with local officers. Smile at them, thank them, say something kind to them and teach your children to appreciate them. Right now, it feels like the world hates them and that is no way to open a much needed dialogue.  That's no way to make a person who already feels threatened, feel safe.  If you know Christ as your Lord and Savior, share His love with an officer, if not in testimony, than through kindness and if you don't yet know Him, remember that you are as capable of those acts as anyone else, mostly because you don't know Christ.

One last thing...

I have the opinion that we must teach our children to behave in a way that does not lead the law to assume they are guilty of something.  Don't walk around at night with your hood up if it's not raining. Don't enter a store with your hands in your pockets or your hood up (or both). Sagging pants look like you're hiding something. Be courteous and respectful when approached by police. We must at least equip our children to try to be a disarming factor, not an alarming factor.

Once again, thank you to those who serve as police officers and to the families of those who gave their lives in the line of duty.

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