Thursday, May 14, 2015

Postpartum Clean Eating

Good Morning to all (in California, since it's not really morning here in VA anymore)!

But I want to talk about breakfast.  Since my baby is now almost 3 weeks old, I have set myself to trying to eat healthy again.  Less meats, more fruits and vegetables.  But mornings are crazy because I go from nursing to dressing and tooth brushing and washing up to nursing again.  Sundays are even crazier because we are rushing out to church.  I am keenly aware of the need to keep proteins high in order to keep sugars low.  So I searched the internet and ultimately found a recipe for oatmeal breakfast bites.  But I just took the gist of it and made my own.

I want to give you a recipe but I really didn't think about what I was doing.  It's oats and walnuts and hulled raw hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds with Medjool dates, one over ripened banana and chunky peanut butter.  The dates soaked for 15 minutes.  Half of the oats were ground up with the pumpkin seeds, walnuts, dates and bananas.  I added the hemp seeds and then the rest of the oats and the peanut butter.  The object of the mix is to be a bit sticky so that it binds together.  I baked rounded ball on a baking sheet in a 350 degree oven until firm.  They kept well in a sealed container.  I ate one or two a day for a week.  It really did keep the need for refined sugar away.  Note that I said refined sugar because I know full well that dates and bananas are sugary.

Another favorite is my raw granola.  The exact measurements are not listed because it's up to whoever makes it to determine how much.  I make mine for one so it's literally a handful here and a handful there.  It is full of buckwheat groats, dates, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, currants and cinnamon.  I could have added flaxseed but opted not to.  Soak and pit the dates and add them to a food processor with the walnuts and pumpkin seeds.  I pulse until nicely combined, then add the groats, currants and cinnamon, about a tsp, and continue processing until it looks like it's binding together a bit.  Delicious just like that.  Sometimes I cut an apple in half and warm it and eat the granola over the apple like apple crisp.

Wonderful breakfast that leaves you feeling good and energized.  I know that if I'm craving coffee, I need nutrients and so I seek to eat better.  I am not a coffee addict, so that kind of craving is rooted in poor health that is causing me exhaustion.

By the way, new Mama tip.  Birthing a baby leaves you very depleted of nutrient stores.  Almost all of them.  Don't forget to take your prenatals and your iron (separately to maximize absorption).  Also, consider extra B12 and D because you're going to be holed up in the house more and possibly eating a poorer quality diet.  I also recommend Chlorella tablets.  I can't quite describe how they do something on a cellular level that makes you feel amazing.  Just my opinion, but I know others agree with me.  I've read the reviews.  Just be sure it's the best quality.

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