Thursday, July 9, 2015

Maybe It's A Female Thing

I recently saw a reflection of myself in a mirror in, of all places, Walmart.  I was appalled, shocked, horrified.  I recognize that I have a 2 month old baby and weight loss should be a slow, measured process.  That is best for both mother and baby.  However, I had no idea how I LOOKED.  Yikes.  Of course, that was a girdle free day, but still.  I was a little sad for the rest of the day because I know that I have been struggling with healthy eating and massive junk consumption.  So I shared my disgust with my appearance with my husband.  I absolutely love him.  He excused it by reminding me that most mirrors make you look bigger than you are.

Not what I wanted to hear.  That's why I say it might be a female thing.  Or maybe, it's a me thing.

I wanted him to encourage me and offer to help me remain accountable.  I wanted to know that he would support me more in my desire to eat meat free.  I wanted to have him offer for us to walk together.  Something other than an excuse.  I don't want to look at my weight (which is 20 lbs more than when I first got pregnant and almost 40 lbs more than what is healthy for my height) and my reflection and make excuses.  I want to take action.  I want to put my foot down and say no more extravagance.  I want a team effort.

Either way, I set in my heart to strive for no meat for at least 30 days.  That will help me break the addiction.  I tend to resent meat because it causes me to crave salt and then I eat all manner of junk.  That junk leads to more junk and I end up gaining more weight.  That is apart from all of the ethical reasons to avoid meat.  Don't get me started on what I call "Dairy Guilt."  Nursing mothers should consider how they'd feel if someone took their baby but insisted on them pumping for someone else.  Another conversation for another day.  I would, at least, like a healthy self image.  I would like to be comfortable in my skin.  I don't mind when I'm just a bit overweight, but when you don't recognize yourself, that's hard.  It says more than just "I'm overweight."  It says that I'm unhealthy.  It means that my organs are working harder than they should.  It means that my digestion isn't what it should be.  It means that my stomach is stretched larger than it should be as an organ.  I have let myself go and it has everything to do with laziness.  For me, it is a health report and a wake up call.  I'm not getting any younger, so the longer I wait, the harder it will be.

In other news, my tomatoes have blossom rot.  I just learned what that was.  They have rotted bottoms as they grow and I've been very discouraged about that.  But I'm a woman of action, so I searched it on Google.  If this is happening to your garden, check out The Rusted Garden over on YouTube.  Great info that I plan to put into practice myself.  I need to save my tomato crop asap.  Apparently, it's a lack of calcium.  Hope that info helps someone.

I'll keep you up to date on how my 30 days meat free is going.  Yesterday was good.  We had tons of leftover meatless chili.  I have Cascadian Farms granola and cashew milk for breakfast with blueberries.  Though I believe in avoiding most soy, I may invest in some tofu just so I can have some quick source of complex protein.  We'll see.

Remember that being overweight is not a judgement on your character or who you are.  It just is a statement that you are not running at optimum health.  Being uncomfortable with your weight does not automatically mean that you have low self esteem either, but I feel like you aren't loving yourself enough if you aren't trying to change your situation.  Just like you shouldn't stay in an unhealthy relationship with another person, you shouldn't stay in an unhealthy relationship with food.  Something to think about.  Love yourself...enough to change for the better.  "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14 NIV) That means that we are fearfully and wonderfully made and achieving a healthy weight means that we are trying to maximize the opportunities God wants to give us.  God needs us to be able to go and reach the lost and help those in need and proclaim the good news and that requires we be a good testimony in both our body and our character and spirit.  If anyone reading this is also considering the state of their weight, remember that your self control in the area of food is also a testimony of God's grace because it is the Spirit that give us that temperance.  Get moving, cut those portion sizes (maybe even the meat) and prepare to give God praise for the miracle He wants to do in the body He created!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Around the House

Around these parts, I cloth diaper.  It can be an obsessive thing, if you aren't careful.  I joined some groups and exchanged some things and now I'm chasing down cute covers and things.  In the past, I was not as good about taking care of my cloth diapers.  However, the things I used stayed in use for two kids.  Not bad.  I learned that I loved flats and prefolds with covers.  I don't love All-In-Ones and I don't love Pocket Diapers.  But, I love cloth diapers enough to use both regardless.  I have a stash of Smartipants diapers that are pocket diapers and I've had them for what feels like forever.  They work great for toddlers.  I don't even think they still make them.  I have a cover I made that fits great, a Tots Bots cover that I absolutely adore, some bargained for covers and now this;

This cover was a giveaway win from EcoAble.  I loved the name and wanted to try them.  I entered one of their Friday giveaways and, to my surprise, I won.  Trust me, I was shocked.  They mailed it super fast.  You can find them at  Their prices are very reasonable.  Their products are produced in China, but they claim their factories are fair and humane.  I won't make a comment either way because I don't know for sure but they comment about it on their website.  They also sell their diapers over at Amazon.  I can't wait to try them.  Hopefully, some cloth diapering mama will see this and try them too.

On the food front, I recently tried So Delicious Cashew Milk Frozen Dessert in Salted Caramel flavor.  Oh my goodness...absolute heaven.  If you are vegan, or just venturing into vegan, this will fix your ice cream cravings without working your blender.  There is no coconut flavor, just creamy, dairy free goodness.  Which helps because it has been hard to get back to eating healthy and humanely in a sugar and meat obsessed house.  There isn't much support so I end up giving in and eating with everyone else.  I'm determined to be back to vegan by the time my baby reaches 6 months, though.  I've put it out officially in the blogosphere.  You heard it here.  I'm about to go search for a good alternative to the hot dogs they're eating later, now.  Catch you later.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Life is Good

I open with these beauties because they are amazing.  They are multiple colors blended on a single plant.  Like large families or families in general, there is beauty both together and separately.  Like a husband and wife who come together to create a beautiful union of two lovely, separate entities that results in a blended creation afterward.

There is something so poetic about roses.

What A Rose Can Say

A rose can say I love you and want you to be mine,
A rose can say I thank you for being so very kind,
A rose can say congratulations, whatever the occasion may be,
A rose can say I miss you and wish you were here with me,
A rose can say I'm sorry if I've hurt you in any way,
A rose can say get well soon, May God bless you today,
A rose can say I wish you happiness, and the best for you each day.
A rose can say farewell when someone goes away,
A rose can say hello, I'm thinking of you today,
There's just so many wonderful things that a rose can say,
A rose can say goodbye when a love one is laid to rest,
No matter what there is to say, a rose can say it best.

Margie Driver

So, to be surrounded by roses at the local botanical garden, said it all.  The thorns remind me of how dangerous a beautiful thing can be.  Like a deceptive man or woman bent on destroying the fabric of the home, they look amazing.  No temptation ever came looking ugly.  But the rose can also be unscented.  Some things look great but aren't really all of that.  With roses, they may look amazing but when you touch them the petals fall off.  Much like the fragile hearts of children.  Even when they look like they are doing great, one misplaced word can make their petals fall off.  But a strong, beautiful, scented rose is a glorious thing to behold, testifying of God and His strength to endure even the hottest day, The goodness of His grace is that powerful scent that overpowers but doesn't offend.  The beauty of His love is all consuming and amazing and those deep red roses are even more wonderful because they can remind us of the blood shed on the Cross.

I love roses.  I also love birds.  I love life with lots of kids and a dog and a cat.  I also love cloth diapers, baby-wearing, homeschooling, home birthing, being busy with church and...roses.  The day spent at the botanical garden was lovely.  I gulped deep breaths of rose scented air upon arriving and repeated on the way out.  All the while, the children were taken by bugs and birds and all manner of other gifts from God.

I hope you get the chance to stop and smell some roses today.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Why Household Goods?

I figured I would take a break from writing about food (even though I love food) to explain my new blog name.

My house is full.  Absolutely, six kids, two pets, backyard chickens full.  One hard working, evening school attending husband and one homeschooling wife.  But, this house of mine is full of good things.  Each child is a part of my household and as such, they are a blessing.  They are full of good things.  They are full of potential to be almost anything and to do almost anything.  They are amazing.  My pets are amazing, so peaceful and so lovable.  My husband is also a huge blessing and joy.  Plus, the love of the Lord abounds in us.  I realized that my house is full of "goods."  Not merchandise but good things, good people, good times and good memories.

I hope you can take a moment today to stop and take in all that is good in your life.  Count those blessing a be amazed at how fast you run out of fingers.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Postpartum Clean Eating

Good Morning to all (in California, since it's not really morning here in VA anymore)!

But I want to talk about breakfast.  Since my baby is now almost 3 weeks old, I have set myself to trying to eat healthy again.  Less meats, more fruits and vegetables.  But mornings are crazy because I go from nursing to dressing and tooth brushing and washing up to nursing again.  Sundays are even crazier because we are rushing out to church.  I am keenly aware of the need to keep proteins high in order to keep sugars low.  So I searched the internet and ultimately found a recipe for oatmeal breakfast bites.  But I just took the gist of it and made my own.

I want to give you a recipe but I really didn't think about what I was doing.  It's oats and walnuts and hulled raw hemp seeds and pumpkin seeds with Medjool dates, one over ripened banana and chunky peanut butter.  The dates soaked for 15 minutes.  Half of the oats were ground up with the pumpkin seeds, walnuts, dates and bananas.  I added the hemp seeds and then the rest of the oats and the peanut butter.  The object of the mix is to be a bit sticky so that it binds together.  I baked rounded ball on a baking sheet in a 350 degree oven until firm.  They kept well in a sealed container.  I ate one or two a day for a week.  It really did keep the need for refined sugar away.  Note that I said refined sugar because I know full well that dates and bananas are sugary.

Another favorite is my raw granola.  The exact measurements are not listed because it's up to whoever makes it to determine how much.  I make mine for one so it's literally a handful here and a handful there.  It is full of buckwheat groats, dates, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, currants and cinnamon.  I could have added flaxseed but opted not to.  Soak and pit the dates and add them to a food processor with the walnuts and pumpkin seeds.  I pulse until nicely combined, then add the groats, currants and cinnamon, about a tsp, and continue processing until it looks like it's binding together a bit.  Delicious just like that.  Sometimes I cut an apple in half and warm it and eat the granola over the apple like apple crisp.

Wonderful breakfast that leaves you feeling good and energized.  I know that if I'm craving coffee, I need nutrients and so I seek to eat better.  I am not a coffee addict, so that kind of craving is rooted in poor health that is causing me exhaustion.

By the way, new Mama tip.  Birthing a baby leaves you very depleted of nutrient stores.  Almost all of them.  Don't forget to take your prenatals and your iron (separately to maximize absorption).  Also, consider extra B12 and D because you're going to be holed up in the house more and possibly eating a poorer quality diet.  I also recommend Chlorella tablets.  I can't quite describe how they do something on a cellular level that makes you feel amazing.  Just my opinion, but I know others agree with me.  I've read the reviews.  Just be sure it's the best quality.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Happy Police Week, We Appreciate Our Law Enforcers

I am probably going to step on some toes in this post, but it's my blog.

In this time of turmoil between law enforcement and communities, I think it's critical to point something out - police officers are people just like the rest of us. They have families who fear for them every time they go to work. They need time off, they lack rest, they love, laugh and experience sorrow just like everyone else.  They are prone to bias and hatred and resentment and fear, just like everyone else.  They, like everyone else, are lost sinners in need of the Savior.  But I have had the pleasure of knowing some fine police officers. I have been pulled over by some fine officers who were right to stop me.  I would not speak evil against them or teach my children to be against them because we need them to keep our neighborhood safe and keep us safe. It is unfortunate, downright sad, that there are those that abuse their authority and therefore abuse people, but please remember that that is just as much a part of being human.  Without the love of Christ guiding our actions, we'd all be full of negative emotions and attitudes that would hurt others. I was full of hate as were many others I know. As Police Week draws to a close, how about we begin to focus on sharing some love with local officers. Smile at them, thank them, say something kind to them and teach your children to appreciate them. Right now, it feels like the world hates them and that is no way to open a much needed dialogue.  That's no way to make a person who already feels threatened, feel safe.  If you know Christ as your Lord and Savior, share His love with an officer, if not in testimony, than through kindness and if you don't yet know Him, remember that you are as capable of those acts as anyone else, mostly because you don't know Christ.

One last thing...

I have the opinion that we must teach our children to behave in a way that does not lead the law to assume they are guilty of something.  Don't walk around at night with your hood up if it's not raining. Don't enter a store with your hands in your pockets or your hood up (or both). Sagging pants look like you're hiding something. Be courteous and respectful when approached by police. We must at least equip our children to try to be a disarming factor, not an alarming factor.

Once again, thank you to those who serve as police officers and to the families of those who gave their lives in the line of duty.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

A Shout Out to a Few Faves

First of all, yesterday was International Midwives Day. So I want more than anything to say thank you to all of those women who choose the midwifery profession.  My life has been so profoundly changed by midwives. My first three children were c-sections and when I was thinking of having a fourth child, I thought I didn't want to get cut again.  That was a true test of faith. A dear friend introduced me to her midwife that had delivered four of her babies. So it was, with a great deal of prayer and amazing support, my fourth baby was delivered at home with the careful care and watchful eye of midwives. My fifth and now sixth were also delivered at home with midwifery care. I was even more blessed to be able to have the same midwife for all three.  She attended the first two with the main midwife while she was training.  This third delivery was hers along with her assistant.  She now has her own midwifery practice. But I tell you, midwives not just women at your birth.  They are a wealth of love and comfort and wisdom that makes birth so incredible.  It is painful and challenging, it requires you to go to strength only God can provide.  But their gentle voice and firm resolve really push you through. I trust the midwives who've cared for me and my precious babies and I thank them for giving me a different kind of birth from what I had known.

Second, this week is Small Business Week.  I want to thank all of those who create goods and resolutely set themselves to selling them.  Midwives are also small businesses. But I have been known to browse Etsy and I have purchased lotion from a friend that was incredible in my hair.  Here are a few links to my fave Etsy shops:

And one on Facebook:

Hopefully, you find a chance this week to show some love to a small business owner by spending some money with them. That's what this great nation was built on, capitalism at its best.

Here I am!

I have moved over from my previous blog to hopefully one that works with my google plus.

So now that I'm not pregnant, I can function. Those sleepy days and  sleepless nights got in the way of my desire to sit at the computer.  However, like the many other wonderful creatures birthed in Spring, my lovely son (by no means a mere creature) was birthed into this world safely in my own home.  This has given me much to reflect on and much to be thankful for. But this post is mostly a test post to see if it links to my Google Plus.  Then the many topics I have listed will follow.